Thursday, October 13, 2016

As always the media is missing in action

By Michael F. Cannon
This article appeared in Orange County Register on October 6, 2016.
A government watchdog has determined the Obama administration is violating its own health care law by illegally diverting up to $5 billion to private insurance companies participating in Obamacare.
The U.S. Government Accountability Office is the nonpartisan federal watchdog that determines whether federal officials are spending taxpayer dollars in accordance with the law. In a legal opinion issued last week, the GAO accused the Obama administration of illegally diverting billions of taxpayer dollars to private insurance companies.
The opinion concerned the administration’s implementation of Obamacare’s “reinsurance” program, one of several insurer bailouts designed to prop up Obamacare’s rickety finances.
Generally speaking, the reinsurance program taxes consumers in non-Obamacare plans to subsidize insurers who sell Obamacare plans. The program collects $25 billion from consumers, with $20 billion going to Obamacare-participating insurers and $5 billion to the federal treasury. The law is specific: the amount that each health insurance issuer pays toward the $5 billion designated for the U.S. Treasury “may not be used for the [reinsurance] program.”
But once insurance companies participating in Obamacare’s Exchanges started suffering huge losses and heading for the exits, the administration began funneling them the money that was supposed to go to the Treasury. The administration has so far diverted $3 billion — and counting.
The Obama administration claims it is complying with the law, but the GAO disagreed in the strongest terms, pointing out that the administration’s actions are “inconsistent with the plain language of the statute.”
The administration’s interpretation is “internally inconsistent,” the GAO found, and “focuses on words and phrases in the statute in isolation rather than in their appropriate context” — which, ironically, is what the administration falsely accused its critics of doing in King v. Burwell.
The GAO went so far as to say the administration invented nonsense legal arguments because Obamacare isn’t working the way it had hoped. “HHS’s [legal] position,” the watchdog wrote, “appears to be driven solely by the factual circumstances present here, namely, lower than expected collections.”
The GAO’s ruling should end the matter. “Generally,” the Associated Press reports, “lawmakers of both parties respect GAO’s rulings on federal budget issues.” Yet, this is Obamacare we are talking about.
The administration is making so many unauthorized payments to private insurance companies participating in Obamacare that it’s hard to keep them straight. Both the administration and the Supreme Court acknowledge that the operative text of the Affordable Care Act forbids certain payments to insurers participating in federally-run exchanges. The administration is paying tens of billions of dollars to such insurers because it was able to convince the court to bless those payments anyway. It is making payments to insurers on behalf of exchange enrollees who are categorically ineligible for subsidies because they have incomes below the poverty line. It is paying insurers tens of billions of dollars in illegal “cost-sharing” payments that a federal judge ruled “violate the Constitution.” It is attempting to skirt a congressional ban on $2.5 billion in “risk corridor” payments to insurers that President Obama himself signed into law. It is even making illegal payments to insurance companies on behalf of members of Congress and thier staffs — giving Congress its own special exemption from Obamacare.
Consistent with past practice, the Obama administration is thumbing its nose at the nonpartisan GAO by announcing it will continue to divert these taxpayer funds to insurance companies.
If the rule of law means anything, it is that the government is as bound by law as are the people. If the people come to believe that the government is not, they will rightly conclude neither are they.
If President Obama, or his successor, wants more money for Obamacare, the only lawful course is to ask Congress for it. For now, for the sake of the American people, the Obama administration needs to stop making illegal payments to insurance companies.
Michael F. Cannon is director of health policy studies at the libertarian Cato Institute, and the “intellectual father” of King v. Burwell.

Big Island reports first imported Zika case

HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii health officials have confirmed the Big Island's first travel-related case of the Zika virus.
The state Department of Health said Tuesday that the Hawaii County resident recently traveled to the South Pacific and is past the point of being infectious to mosquitoes.
A vector control team was sent to survey the individual's home and workplace for mosquitoes and to treat possible areas of concern.
Officials say there have been no locally acquired Zika cases in Hawaii.
The number of imported Zika cases is expected to increase this year. Health officials are advising travelers to use repellent and avoid mosquitoes when they return from areas with mosquito-borne disease outbreaks.

Vera Bradley warns customers of data breach

(RNN) – Retail stores for handbag company Vera Bradley were hacked between July 15 and Sept. 23, compromising credit and debit card information of customers.
The company said in a news release on their website someone gained unauthorized access to the payment processing system. The hackers also installed a program to search out data that is found on magnetic strips on payment cards, such as name, address, card numbers, expiration date and verification codes.
The company’s website was not affected, only Vera Bradley retail stores.
Vera Bradley is working with law enforcement as well as a computer security firm, and encourages customers to check their statements.
If you have questions, please call 844-723-9340 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday.

All New :)Asing, Moore win Quiksilver Pro France

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) -
Keanu Asing (HAW) and Carissa Moore (HAW) have claimed victory this afternoon, winning the Quiksilver and Roxy Pro France respectively.

Stop No. 9 on the Samsung Galaxy World Surf League (WSL) Championship Tour (CT) came to a thrilling conclusion today and also saw Tyler Wright (AUS), 22, claim the 2016 WSL Women’s Title, after her closest rival Courtney Conlogue (USA), 24, was eliminated in the Semifinals.
An elite tour competitor since 2011, Wright’s clinching of her maiden world surfing crown today comes after an emotional year with her family and four elite Championship Tour wins this season.

“A lot has gone into this, a lot of hours and a lot of moments,” said Wright. “There are a lot of reasons why I set out the win this World Title this year and a lot of reasons that I did not mention to the public. Last year was such a hectic year -- I lost an uncle and this was the last event that he ever saw me compete in. A lot of emotional moments, but pretty much from that moment I promised him that I would win a World Title and I did. It’s in his honor and my brother’s honor and my whole entire family and the community I come from. So many things happened this year and my personal life hasn’t been easy. Owen and my family and my mom -- I just love them so much and to be able to do it for them is very special.”
“I’ve always known I could do this and this year I was ready,” continued Wright. “A massive congrats to Courtney (Conlogue). I’ve been in her position twice now and I know what it’s like. I love her, I love the way she competes and she’s such a strong competitor. A big thank you to everyone that’s come before me and paved the way. Carissa (Moore) is a huge inspiration -- she’s the progressor of this sport so to be in final with her was really special. Thank you to her!”
The win today for three-time WSL Champion Moore is her first ever CT victory in France and her first of the 2016 season. Moore remains in third place on the Jeep Leaderboard heading into the final event of the year in Maui.
“I’m so stoked, it’s been an incredible day, I’m so happy for Tyler (Wright) and Courtney (Conlogue), they’ve had an incredible race until France and it was nice to share the final with Tyler,” Moore stated. “I’m over the moon to see Keanu (Asing) in the final, he’s such a good human, he wears his heart on the sleeves and we’ve been friends since we were little. I actually have to thank him for pushing me to be where I am today. I want to thank my family and everyone at home for staying up countless nights.”
The Final of the the Roxy Pro France saw Moore take on newly crowned World Champion Wright. Moore, who has stood out throughout the entire event, wasted no time to post an authoritative 7.33 to take an early lead and fired again with a near-perfect 9.03 to put the Australian in a combination situation. With time winding down, Wright was not able to turn in the scores to defeat Moore. The two World Champions have previously matched up seventeen times, and this win marks Moore’s twelfth victory over Wright.
World No. 2 Courtney Conlogue’s (USA) campaign for a maiden WSL Title was halted by eventual winner Moore in their Semifinal bout, as the Hawaiian asserted her dominance and set out to destroy every wave that came by. Conlogue battled for a comeback but wasn’t able to find the opportunity to better Moore, who held her off with an excellent 8.90 to put her in a combination with less than five minutes remaining. Conlogue answered quickly for her best score and was left with three minutes to hunt down an 8.01. The American gave her all on a final wave and left the water to await the score, which wasn’t enough and she finishes in Equal 3rd.
“That last heat was definitely really tough,” Conlogue said. “I gave it my all but Carissa’s (Moore) been on point this whole event. Huge congrats to Tyler (Wright). She’s had a very consistent season with her winning the title, and I’m very happy for her. You have to pick yourself up and keep moving forward. Obviously I’m really looking forward to Honolua -- we still have one event left. Now I just get to have fun for the rest of the season and regroup to 2017. The next step is the World Title and I’m one step closer being No. 2.”
In the opening Semifinal Tatiana Weston-Webb (HAW) was eliminated by Wright in a rematch of last year’s Roxy Pro Final. The young Hawaiian couldn’t match Wright’s flow and radical attack on the long lefts of Guardians and finishes the event in Equal 3rd place. Stopped in the Semifinals for the third time this season, the former Rookie of the Year adds another amazing result to her 2016 campaign and will stay in 4th on the Jeep Leaderboard.
On the men's side Asing took down defending event winner and 2014 WSL Champion Gabriel Medina (BRA) in the Quiksilver Pro France Final to claim his maiden Championship Tour win and leap up thirteen places to 21st on the Jeep Leaderboard.
“I’m stoked and this is a dream come true,” said Asing. “The work’s not done yet but I hope I did something good for John (Florence) maybe and helped him with the title race. I’m over the moon -- it’s so surreal. I’m super happy and I feel like I’m dreaming right now. I’m stoked to see my other Hawaiian competitor and childhood friend, Carissa (Moore), also win. I’ve never even made a QS (Qualifying Series) final so this is crazy. Having all my friends on the beach is even more ridiculously unbelievable.”

“Every time I put on a jersey it’s to do one thing and that’s to win,” continued Asing. “The last time I won a contest is probably when I was a junior so it’s crazy to come here and win my first CT event. Competing with Kolohe (Andino), and John and Gabby (Medina) and all these guys is unbelievable. The competitive spirit that we all have and share is over the moon and really pushes me hard.”
The young Hawaiian unleashed forceful backhand maneuvers to put pressure on the Brazilian powerhouse. With five minutes left, Asing put Medina in a combination situation to challenge Medina to turn in two new scores. A 5.90 on Medina’s eleventh exchange bettered his situation, only requiring an 8.04 to counter. An interference penalty called on Medina in the last minute disqualified one of his wave scores, solidifying Asing’s win.
“I love France -- it’s been a good place for me,” said Medina. “I’m happy with second, I would be more happy if I won but I think second is good. It’s been a good warm up for Portugal. Congrats to Carissa (Moore) and Keanu (Asing). I know the feeling to win your first event so I think he’s really happy right now. They both deserve it and of course Tyler (Wright). I feel very proud of her and I know Owen (Wright) must be very proud too. It feels good to be closer to John John (Florence) so -- never give up!”
The all-Hawaiian Semifinal matchup witnessed a heated battle between John John Florence (HAW) and eventual winner Asing. With an opportunity to strengthen his World Title campaign for Florence, and requalification on the line for Asing, both surfers charged through the heat with excellent rides. Asing barely edged out Florence by 0.87 with his 16.94 combined heat score. Florence’s run in France will end with an Equal 3rd place finish and while the Hawaiian keeps retains pole position on the Jeep Leaderboard, the gap has now shrunk to only 2,700 points between him and Medina.
Kolohe Andino (USA) couldn’t quite rival Medina’s flair on the lefts of Guardians, and despite excellent efforts on multiple waves, ended his Semifinal in a combination situation. Currently in his best season amongst the Elite Top 34, the Californian claims an Equal 3rd place and the allocated 6,500 ranking points to move up to 5th on the Jeep Leaderboard.
“I’m stoked, I think I’m fifth now and I hope I can stay up over that range for a good seeding next year,” Andino said. “I definitely would have liked to have won an event, but two more left so I’ll see what I can do. Surfing is a unique sport, I think the final day has got to be your day, today’s was Keanu (Asing). I felt like I was surfing my best but I had a hard time finding good waves through that heat. I’ve never really done well at Pipe so this year I want to prove to myself that I can, so that if next year I’m in the title race I’ll be able to bank off that.”

The next stop on the 2016 Samsung Galaxy WSL Championship Tour for the men will be the MEO Rip Curl Pro Portugal from October 18 - 29, 2016 while the women will culminate their season with the Maui Women’s Pro from November 23 - December 5, 2016.

World Surf League Release

Monday, October 10, 2016

Media advocate: Hungary paper closure blow to press freedoms

Associated Press
BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) - The closure of Hungary's main opposition newspaper is a "huge blow" to the country's media diversity and press freedoms, a European advocate for media said Sunday.
The left-leaning Nepszabadsag newspaper's sudden apparent end pointed to reasons beyond the accumulation of losses noted by publisher Mediaworks, said Dunja Mijatovic, media freedom representative for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
"The way it was done raises reasons for concerns - without transparency, without due process," Mijatovic told The Associated Press in a phone interview from Vienna.
"It's hard to believe this is just a simple business move. All this to me looks like something that's definitely further damaging media freedom in Hungary."
Mijatovic said that the shutting of the paper's online edition was also strange, since that is an option chosen by many publications which abandon print editions.
Journalists at Nepszabadsag, a paper with roots in the communist era but which went through many changes since free elections in 1990, said that they had packed up their computers and other equipment on Friday for a weekend move back to their old newsroom which had been shut for renovations.
Managers promised pizza and a celebration for Sunday's reopening and instead employees received notices of suspension early Saturday from motorcycle couriers.
"The deal is that the publication is suspended and we are free from having to work, but in theory we are still employees," Nepszabadsag journalist Jozsef Spirk said. "No one inside knew anything."
Negotiations between editorial staff and the publisher on Sunday didn't achieve any breakthrough and further editions of the paper were in doubt.
Mediaworks said Nepszabadsag had lost over 5 billion forints ($18.4 million) since 2007 and was generating "a considerable net loss" so far this year.
The move was also condemned by opposition parties, which accused Prime Minister Viktor Orban's government of trying to extend its dominance over the media.
In recent years, Orban allies have purchased, sometimes with loans from state banks, many print and online publications as well as radio and television stations, all of them adopting unquestioning pro-government positions.
Orban's Fidesz party said it considered the newspaper suspension "a rational economic decision, not a political one," but a leading party official said "it was high time" for the paper's demise because of its communist-era past.
Mijatovic also called on the European Union to more closely monitor media developments in Hungary.
"The European Commission should pay greater attention to the issues related to press freedom in Hungary," she said, because the government's media policies in Hungary were setting a bad example for EU candidate countries and those striving for democracy.
"If you want to live in democracy you have to pay a price and you need to hear differing, critical voices," Mijatovic said. "At the moment, those voices are disappearing in Hungary and I think this is extremely dangerous."

Nonprofit holding Hurricane Matthew relief donation drive Wed. Oct. 12

TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) -
As the death toll continues to rise in Haiti and thousands remain homeless, there’s a local effort underway to keep the people who survived Hurricane Matthew alive.

Haiti Rebuild, Inc. a nonprofit founded by Haitians living and working in Tucson. Members and volunteers make trips to the country to help better health, education, economic development, and community. 

It’s a mission that’s now been elevated to a new level.

Right now, officials are asking Tucsonans for help.

The nonprofit is holding a donation drive this Wednesday, October 12, but hope people start gathering the items as soon as they see the news.

They’re in need of money, medical supplies, and basic hygiene items.

“I’m asking, I’m begging for the community to call friends, churches, please help us make this happen because every dollar is a neighborhood you just saved,” said Iddy Simeus, the VP of public relations for Haiti Rebuild, Inc.

Simeus was born and raised in Haiti, but lives in Tucson. She is heartbroken about the storm’s aftermath. Some of her relatives have lost their homes.

Some of items on the list of critical supplies include:
  • nonperishable food       
  • flashlights      
  • diapers
  • toothbrushes/toothpaste 
  • hand soap
  • bandages
  • hand sanitizer
  • scissors
  • gauze rolls
Simeus explained the shelters in Haiti are not like shelters in the U.S.

“There’s no food, water, no sanitation, no toilets. So people are crying for food,” she said.

Haiti Rebuild Inc. will be holding a donation drive this Wednesday, October 12 from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. at two locations.

Those who want to help can drop off items to the Tucson Fire Department Station 16 on the eastside near Speedway and Pantano and the Tucson Fire Association on the southside near Irvington and Benson Hwy.

To learn more about Haiti Rebuild, Inc. click here.

To donate money to Haiti Rebuild, Inc.’s relief effort, click here. Officials have a goal of raising $10,000.

Simeus plans to use that money to send supplies. She also hopes to leave for Haiti next week with a team of volunteer doctors and nurses to help with relief efforts

Germany: 5 SKoreans on trial over woman's exorcism death

FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) - Five South Koreans went on trial at a German court Monday, charged with murder over the death of a relative during an exorcism ritual at a Frankfurt hotel last year.
The defendants in the trial at the Frankfurt state court range in age between 16 and 45. They include the 16-year-old son of the 41-year-old woman who died.
Prosecutors have said the five family members wanted to expel a "demon" they believed had possessed their relative, who died of asphyxiation as a result of "massive chest compression and violence to her neck."
Police discovered the victim's body in a hotel room in December. The defendants had called a priest from a South Korean Protestant community when it became apparent the victim had died.
The defendants did not immediately make any statements as the trial opened, news agency dpa reported. Defendants do not enter formal pleas at German trials.
The five are believed to practice a form of Christianity with shamanist influences. They arrived in Frankfurt about six weeks before the killing and planned to set up an import-export business, dpa reported.
The trial is scheduled to last until mid-January.